Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 13

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a JX1977
Workshops for the world
New York, [ United States ] : Washington Square Press, Inc , 1964 Beckel, Graham 1151
2 a JX1977
The United Nations : a short political guide
New York, [ United States ] : Frederick A Praeger , 1963 Bailey, Sydney D. 15202
3 a JX1977
The united nations : how it works and what it does
New York, [ United States ] : Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc. , 1979 Luard, Evan 17130
4 a JX1395
The evolving United Nations : a prospect for peace
New York, [ United States ] : St. Martin's Press , 1971 17468
5 a JX1977
United Nations, divided world : The UN"s roles in international relations
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Clarendon Press , 1993 29878
6 a JX1977
Confronting new challenges 1995
New York, [ United States ] : United Nations , 1995 Boutros-Ghali, Boutros 34209
7 4 Ref.JX1997.3
One world one nation
London : United Nations Association , 1995 36046
8 a JX1977
A handbook of public administration : current concepts and practice with special reference to developing countries
New York, [ United States ] : United Nations , 1961 40423
9 a JX1977.2
The United States and the United Nations : the search for international peace ans security
New York : Manhattan Publishing Company , 1967 Weiler, Laurence 47814
10 a JX1977
A guide to the use of United Nations documents (including reference to the specialized agencies and special U. N. bodies
New York : Oceana Publications Inc , 1962 Brimmer, Brenda 48022
11 a KF27
Public diplomacy and the Middle East/Mark Leonard and Conrad Smewing
London, [ United Kingdom ] : The Foreign Policy Centre , 2003 Leonard, Mark 1903558255 95281
12 a JX1977
Basic facts about the United Nations/Department of public information
New York, [ United States ] : United Nations , 1995 United Nations Department of Public Information 9211005701 96593
13 a JZ4984.5
The United Nations and changing world politics/Thomas G. Weiss, David P. Forsythe, Roger A. Coate
Colorado, [ United States ] : Westview Press , 2004 Weiss, Thomas G. 0813342066 110860